Q. KBF stands for ?
Khursheed Begum Foundation (In the memories of my mother)Q. Why word "Family" attach with KBF ?
We provide family consultancy to build family culture.Q. Contact numbers and name of families didn't exist. Why ?
We allotted registration number caste-wise to all members. For the safety of your privacy and undue calls, we didn't public the names and cell numbers.Q. How to contact a family?
You have to match the proposals and select registration number. Then send selected numbers through SMS or WhatsApp to us. We will provide contact number of concerned families.Q. Where is office located?
Shop # 3 1st floor, Jeddah Towers, G-1 Market Johar Town Lahore.Q. What are timing to visit?
Timing 11 am to 7 pm from Saturday to Thursday.
NOTE: Due to Covid-19 office is closed and we work from home online.
For further queries, Contact 0321-4938840.